Scott SEMS - firefighting gear

SEMS (Scott-Electronic-Management-System) is a lifesaving device to send and receive vital information between firefighters and the incident commander. Including a transceiver, motion sensor, air gauge, and alarms, this remarkable communication system provides better fire ground accountability, more effective fire scene management, and greater personal safety for firefighters.

Before designing the unit, James Lamb underwent firefighting training to understand the extreme user issues. The smoky, highly stressed, impenetrable darkness led to a design that is asymmetric to allow accurate signalling with a gloved hand and easy viewing of the bright LED display.

Winner of an I.D. Magazine Design Distinction award

Man in firefighting gear checking a gauge
Close-up of an air supply gauge with the requirements for the gauge listed below
Air-Pak tank for a firefighter
Lamb industries director James Lamb being fitted into firefighting gear
Close up of an air supply gauge on a firefighter's gear

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