Vela Labs

The Vela One is the fastest flash you can buy. The pulse width is adjustable between 500ns (1/2,000,000 sec) and 5µs (1/200,000 sec), which is fast enough to freeze a high velocity rifle bullet in flight. Lamb Industries worked with Vela Labs to create an enclosure that is user-friendly, robust, and communicates the company's distinctive brand.

An important consideration was cost-effective manufacture. The project was successfully funded via Kickstarter and due to this its specialist nature volumes are reasonably low. By specifying rotational molding and a fabricated aluminium chassis, we created a distinctive aesthetic and professionally tough design for the product without the need for expensive tooling.

Vela camera flash
Design sketches of the Vela camera flash
Further design sketches of the camera flash
Graphic design showing the different angles and proportion of the camera flash
A slow-motion photo of a bullet going through an egg
A slow motion photo of a bullet going through a stawberry

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